Lois Hollis-Shame-Guilt Educator-Filmmaker works with shame and guilt. Our conversation is one of physical, mental, and spiritual recovery and a wonderfully inspiring journey.
Having listened to my guest on the show today, I became conscious of my shame and guilt for past actions and how I have used shame in my family interactions.
We were all taught to do this.
Until the late 1990s, it was common in most settings to use shame and fear to modify behaviour. That said, we still see shaming in the press and on social media.
Generations of people have suffered trauma through educational, religious or family situations. Thankfully society has moved on a little, but we have far to travel.
Lois Hollis is in her late 70s, deeply connected to God and her faith, and driven by a calling that started in childhood. Her early years were tough. With physical abuse at home, she received multiple head and neck injuries. One of these occasions led to a near-death experience where she received her calling.
Despite her history, Lois had a successful career, she was part of the team that developed the first Kidney Hemodialysis Units in the USA in 1966.
She became a pioneer of the kidney dialysis foundation. Leaving it behind to have a family. She was blessed with three daughters.
Life took a turn. Now in her 40s, she experienced headaches that became migraine and developed into a range of other life-threatening problems. She reached a point where she was told she would not live beyond her 50s.
Those childhood traumas and physical abuse had a price of broken bones in her neck and back.
Lois Hollis works with shame and guilt, she is a filmmaker, author of 3 books, a speaker and a coach.