Sleeping Beauty

Let’s compare shame guilt to the tale of Sleeping Beauty.

Instead of pricking our finger on a spinning wheel, we get pierced by an abusive incident. The shame guilt poison from the abuse enters us and changes our positive emotions and thoughts to negative ones. Our compassion turns to depression, our passion turns to anger, etc. We unknowingly enter a hypnotic trance of unworthiness and fear. Sleeping Beauty, our logical mind goes to sleep, and the shame guilt controls us.  

We awaken to our worthiness when we discover our healthy self, who is the Prince Charming of this tale. Prince Charming, our healthy self, accepts our negative emotions and our unworthiness with his kiss of love. Prince Charming’s loving acceptance awakens us to our own love and beauty. We remove the shame guilt and together come out of the darkness of unworthiness and sadness. Prince Charming, our healthy self, reminded us that we are good and lovable.  

We live happier ever after, and so do our emotions.

It is highly unlikely that a single abusive event could place us into a hypnotic trance. Nevertheless, this tale will help us understand the destructive power of shame guilt and how their hypnotic power controls us. 

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