Shame Guilt Healing

shame guilt Success Story You’ll Never Believe

Lois Hollis, RN BSN REV, shifts our opinion on one of the most forbidden subjects, shame guilt. Depression, anxiety, 30 years of migraine headaches, and pain were Lois’ life until she learned the dangers of shameguilt (not shame guilt.) She shares her 15 years’ experience as a ShameGuilt Educator, Counselor, and Filmmaker to offer health and spiritual maturity.

Lois entered the health field as a Nurse’s Aide at 12 and continues today at 78. As a trailblazer, she developed one of the first Kidney Hemodialysis centers in the USA. Today, she establishes shameguilt as an independent study.

Lois’ film Out of Discord Into Harmony teaches us HOW to communicate your emotions and inner critic. “IM Good Film” makes shameguilt visible to illustrate its trickery and how to kick it out. She is the author of three books and podcasts. “Now is The Time,” a collection of her soul readings, helps us stop the negative shameguilt energy.

In this episode, Lois Hollis reveals how to overcome shame guilt and move forward with your life after the military.

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