If you are protecting your house from a rain problem, you have to make sure that there are no holes in the roof. We have got to get smart to protect our house. If your house is on fire, you need to know about the stove that is causing the fire. So you see, in order to get rid of shame and guilt, you need to know what shame and guilt are. In order to stop it, you should know what it actually is. Once you know what shame guilt is, you will be able to release it.
Shame and Guilt Cause Negative Emotions
Shame and guilt energy are the causes of all the negative emotions in our life. All you have to do is focus on shame and guilt energy. Shame and guilt are energies that come into us and turn our positive emotions into negative ones. It turns our intuition into anxiety, our compassion into depression. It turns your brain into a negative scenario. It draws all the negative energies into us. Shame and guilt energy are the most powerful forces that incapacitate us.
Shame, Guilt, Energy as a Virus
What happens to your computer if it gets a virus? There will be malfunctions in the computer. It messes everything up. Shame and guilt energy act as computer viruses. Shame and guilt energy comes into us, and it sucks your life out of you.
Making yourself guilty does not make you a better person. Living in shame does not make you a better person. Shame, guilt, is a foreign energy that comes into us from other people. Shame and guilt energy make you feel bad, as if you are inadequate. It turns your physical body into a distorted image like on your computer.
Shame, Guilt, Energy
Your mind is not stable when you are thinking of shame, guilt energy. So, if you are confused, it is because of shame and guilt. You should not make any decisions until you release your shame and guilt energy. Shame and guilt energy affect everything. It affects your emotional, mental, physical, and psychological health.
We have a lot of love energy. Love energy creates happy feelings for us. It brings joy, happiness, peace, love, confidence and other positive emotions into our lives. Shame guilt energy is negative energy. All the negative emotions are connected to shame guilt energy.
You can never get rid of depression until you get rid of shame and guilt energy. If you only get rid of shame and guilt energy, all the negative emotions will turn into positive.