
Winning Against Shame and Guilt

We all know about love energy. Love energy brings joy, intuition, peace, happiness, confidence, and many other positive emotions into our lives. We have so many subsections of love energy. It is important to know you can feel negative energy too, but it is not bad. Negative energies are not bad; shame and guilt energy make them bad.


Solving Mom Guilt

Talk to yourself, appreciate yourself. Always say “I am good.” Talk to your emotions. Do not deny it, and do not push shame and guilt away; instead, try to communicate with your emotions and solve the problem. Everybody has an inner critic and it has a whole different story to tell. Communicate with your inner critic. Your inner critic is your shame and guilt producer. Keep talking to your emotions.


Riding Parent Shame and Guilt

God has given us so many beautiful gifts, and one of the best gifts among those is sensitivity. But somehow, sensitivity is also crucial. Sensitivity connects your heart and your soul. Sensitive people will save humanity. Because sensitive people are critical to the evolution of humanity, enemies will seek them out.


Bulimia and shaming guilt

God has given us so many beautiful gifts, and one of the best gifts among those is sensitivity. But somehow, sensitivity is also crucial. Sensitivity connects your heart and your soul. Sensitive people will save humanity. Because sensitive people are critical to the evolution of humanity, enemies will seek them out.


Understanding Shame and Guilt

God has given us so many beautiful gifts, and one of the best gifts among those is sensitivity. But somehow, sensitivity is also crucial. Sensitivity connects your heart and your soul. Sensitive people will save humanity. Because sensitive people are critical to the evolution of humanity, enemies will seek them out.


The Secrets of Living a Long Life

Lois Hollis is a shame and guilt educator, counselor, and filmmaker. She is a registered nurse right now. She built the first dialysis unit in the country. She talked about the most forbidden topics, which are shame and guilt. Lois’ passion is to teach the ways to self-love by alleviating the shame and guilt traumas.


End Shame and Guilt

Shame and Guilt are not two separate phrases, “shame guilt is one phrase”. Let make a clear difference between shame and guilt. Guilt makes us moral. Shame works in our unconscious mind while guilt remains in the conscious mind.  So they feed each other. You cannot get rid of guilt until you get rid of shame, because that`s feeding it.